BRI offers sevices to customers through a network that are spread all over Indonesia and supported by professional human resources who implement the Good Corporate Governance practices. BRI creates values and produce optimal benefits to all stakeholders (Source: BRI)
Company Logo

Company Contact
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Persero Tbk
Gedung BRI 1 Jenderal Sudirman str, Kav.44-46
Jakarta 10210 Indonesia
Phone : (62-21) 2510244, 2510254, 2510264, 2510269, 2510279
Facs. : (62-21) 2500065, 2500077
Submit Application
Please send your complete application and write placement code to
PO BOX 023 CPA KSBJ 15224
not later than 15 December 2011 (post stamps)
Reference Test
Jobs Available
BANK BRI provides an opportunity to the professionals who can speak English very well (at least passive), to operate a computer, have integrity, discipline, motivation fixation and a high sense of responsibility, and willing to placed in all work units BANK BRI for the following positions:
Associate Account Officer (AAO)
- Hold Bachelor Degree (S1) all majors from accredited PTN/PTS
- GPA min 2.75 for fresh graduated and 2.60 for experienced
- Max age 25 years old for fresh graduated and 30 years old for experienced
- Preferred has experience in Account Officer Bank or marketing in financing company
- Good looking and have a wide networks
- Dinamic personality and have high motivations
- Willing to be placed in DKI Jakarta area (Code : DKI-BRI), West Kalimantan (Code : KalBar - BRI) and
- Banten (Code : Banten - BRI)
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